Wednesday 4 November 2015

Opening scene prep+ location research analysis

This week I have been preparing to do my opening scene by looking at different locations that could be used for filming in Sheffield. I have also uploaded screenshots of the locations in sheffield where I want to film and have analysed why I would use them in my film.

Wellington street:

This shot would be useful for my film as I will need a close up shot of a security camera at the beginning of it. I want to include this in my film as security cameras are often seen in action/adventure films and iconography of action films, this is because it shows the audience that the     setting of the film is under surveillance and makes them wonder if the characters in the film are being watched. I could also use this location for an establishing shot as it provides interesting perspective lines and clearly shows that the film will have a city setting.

Ward street:
I think that this location would be suited for my film as I would like to base it in the outskirts or back alleys of a city or town, this is because I want my film to conform to the conventions and stereotypes of action/adventure films, I also want my film to feel 'gritty' and realistic, and it is more likely that the situation in my film would happen in this location.

Wicker lane:
 I would like to use this location because at the end of my film my protagonist will need to be backed into a corner, i think this wold be the perfect place to film this as the location has high walls on both sides and has a 'urban' look which will keep the film looking realistic.

Alma street:
I could use this location for b-roll or an establishing shot as shot from this area look very urban.

Well meadow drive:
I think this would be an interesting b-roll or establishing shot as the perspective lines in the shot are very dynamic and would catch the audiences eye.

Park square:
 This location also has very dynamic perspective lines and could be used for an establishing shot or for a chase scene as the characters could run across the bridges creating a interesting tracking shot.

South street:
 I think that this location would be an ideal establishing shot for my film as it shows the location of the film from a distance which makes the audience curious about where the story will be based and what part the characters will play in the film.

Westhill lane:
I think that this area would be useful for filming as there is lots of interesting graffiti which would make the scene look more urban and realistic.  This would also be good for a chase scene as the path is very small and the audience could wonder if the character will outrun the antagonist. 

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