Thursday 5 November 2015

Developing my soundtrack

After researching tutorials and increasing my understanding of Garageband, I have become more confident about using the program and the music for my presentation is currently being developed and I estimate that it will be finished by the end of the week or the weekend. However, because the version of Garageband on my personal computer is a different version to the version on the public computer at school, unfortunately this means that I will not be able to work on it at home until I ask the schools staff to update the program at school.

I have taken inspiration from similar spy movies such as the James Bond movie 'Skyfall', as I will need to create something similar for my film. After researching different soundtracks I have come to the conclusion that my music will begin quite quietly, as I want to introduce the movie by creating suspense in the audience, I would also like my music to include some violins/ string instruments as these instruments are normally included in high budget action/adventure films as they increase the drama in the opening scenes. My soundtrack will also include some loud, sudden sound effects as I want these effects to increase the dramatic events that are happening on screen.

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