Thursday 17 September 2015

Analysing movie titles

The class has been asked to analyse 4 opening titles from movies of the same genre as the opening scene we hope to create.

Terminator (1984): 

The colour of the titles are very futuristic and could suggest to the audience that the movie takes place in the future. The font of the opening titles is also very futuristic, and also very conventional to the adventure genre, as titles in this genre usually take up most of the screen and are seen in front of a dark screen so that the audiences attention is drawn to the title. The title suggests that that the movie is about someone on a mission to kill someone/thing, as terminate can also mean to kill. The effect on the audience is that they are engaged in the movie as the title is bright and takes up most of the screen, this would also mean that the viewers are also immersed in the movie as the titles are heard to ignore. I don't think that the titles of my opening titles will have a similar style as my scene will not be set in the future, however I think that I will make my titles fill the entire screen, as this catches the audiences attention and makes them pay attention to the film.

Star Wars (1977):

The colour of the titles is a bright yellow to stand out from the black background, it could also be to grab the audiences attention when it appears onscreen. The font of these titles is very conventional to the adventure genre as it takes up most of the screen and is shown in front of a dark background. The title suggests that a war is taking place and that the movie is set in another galaxy, the titles of this movie suggests that this movie is also very important, as the large title and bright colour makes people notice the titles. These titles grab the audiences attention and introduce the film boldly, which would make a lot of viewers want to keep watching the film. I would like my titles to fill the screen, however I don't think that I will choose such a bright colour for my titles as I would like them to be more realistic

Harry Potter and the philosophers stone (2001):

The colour of the titles suggests that the film is extremely important and could also tell the audience that the film needs to be watched as it is very important. The font for these titles is quite unconventional, as it incorporates a lightning bolt into the title, however the font is relevant to the story and setting of the film. The titles tell the audience who the film is about and some context into the plot of the film. The effect of the title is that it draws the audiences attention to the screen, this is because of the colour being gold and because of the unusual and iconic font. I would like to include a similar colour in my titles as it draw the audiences attention, although I think that the font would be hard to recreate and wouldn't fit into the setting of my scene.

Iron man (2009):

The colour of the titles could suggest to the audience that the movie they are about to watch is very important and needs to be watched immediately, the gold colour could also be foreshadowing of the colour of iron mans suit, which is red and gold. This font is very conventional as it is not only in front of a dark background and taking up the entire screen, it is also a very large font and in all capitals, which could have been done to ensure that the audiences attention is focused on the title. The titles suggest that this film is based on a pre-existing marvel comic series, and could also provide the audience with some information about the main character. The audience could be intrigued by the opening titles of this film, as they 'demand' to be acknowledged and read as they cover most of the screen. I would like to include this colour in my opening titles as it is hard for viewers to ignore, although I don't think I would use this font, as it is not very mysterious.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy, this is spot on. Your analysis of the titling is thorough and shows insight into connotations and symbolism as well as an understanding of genre.
